Kunstlicht is an academic journal for art, visual culture, and architecture based in Amsterdam. Each issue is dedicated to a specific theme. Issue Vol. 39, N. 2 (“Unpacking Residencies: situating the production of cultural relations”) focused on the role and value of artists’ in residencies. Guest- editors were anthropologist Herbert Ploegman and visual artist and Expodium co-director Nikos Doulos. I contributed with a new article on time and residencies.
‘Taking inspiration from Yield (2016) by artist Laura Wiedjik, the article proposes to rethink the dimension of time in relation to art residency programmes. By bringing together recent understandings of time from quantum physics and specific cases from current artists’ projects, the author proposes to ‘think through time’ as a way to acknowledge the existence of various degrees of visibility and of different timelines in a residency experience.’
Cultivating Time, pp 60-73 in: Kunstlicht, academic journal for art, visual culture, and architecture, Vol. 39, N. 2, 2018, '“Unpacking Residencies: situating the production of cultural relations”.