This text is a conversation between Angela Serino and Irina Shapiro about ‘Mescolanza (mixture)’, the project developed by Serino for the School for MultiSpecies Knowledges at Amstelpark (May-July, 2022).
The conversation took place on the 8th of July, in Shapiro’s garden in Rotterdam. It continued online and was edited in its final version in December 2022.
The School for MultiSpecies Knowledges is a multi-anual programme developed by Zone2Source (a platform for art, nature and technology) and Open Set (platform for art/design research & professional development), and curated by Alice Smits and Irina Shapiro. Together with participants and audiences, the School aims to ‘explores new learning environments to rethink our relationship with other organisms and its implications for how we live together’.
Photos by Balans LaB